Research Writing Q-A
Project detail
Before jumping into this task, please do read and UNDERSTAND what I am looking for, and you deserve to do it. You must meet the deadline 30/50 days).
1. I will provide 300 passages (between 600 and 1300 words each)
2. Based on each passage, you need to design/make questions on the following TASKS:
TASK 1: Multiple Choice Questions inc True/False (7-10 questions)
TASK 2: Cause and Effect (7-10 questions)
TASK 3: Problem and Solution (7-10 questions)
TASK 4: Compare and Contrast using Van Diagram (7-10 questions)
TASK 5: Matching (7-10 questions)
TASK 6: Sequencing (7-10 questions)
TASK 7: Short Questions (9-12 questions)
TASK 8: Grammar based Filling in gaps (10 blanks)
While developing questions under each task, you must follow the Bloom’s Taxonomy (lower to higher/simple to complex/Literal to Inferential to Creative and Critical). You must prprovide answers/clue for each answer i.e., MCQ 1a, 2c.