Job Detail

Night Club WordPress Website Design

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration03 to 06 months
  • Project LevelAdvanced Level
  • Project deadlineExpired
  • //

Project detail

I would like to have a WordPress powered website for my Night Club. I’m looking for someone who has a sense for accuracy, design-technically balanced and legally clean work.

Project description:

We have a new project, which consists of re-designing an existing page.

The layout should be created in Bootstrap 4.

It´s for a nightclub.

The old site is in principle not completely bad. However, there are a few points that bother the customer, or even some that bother me!

First of all the things that are good:

There is a good tool which helps to show or plan the presence of the ladies. The idea behind it is good so far; if the tool is completely active (which it isn’t at the moment), you can see which lady is present there and when.

The content of the site as a whole is ok.

There is already a video on the site.

What the customer does not like:

– There are fast-moving trends in this area, so the page should be more up-to-date again

– The site should have a stronger focus on the women and on his shop, so pictures should become “stronger

– The ladies tool is too complicated to use, this has to be done much faster and in case of missing information there must be no “gaps” but the area has to be hidden

Which I don’t like:

– The customer maintains the site himself and he has a tendency to deface the site, as you will see on the current page.

So he writes texts on the start page, where such a thing should not be written, which destroy the whole layout. We have to regiment that clearly!

– Or he uploads too big pictures. We should fix this, so that at least the layout is not damaged when he does that.

What the page should be able to do:

– The page must be maintainable in German and English. German texts are available, I would take care of the English ones afterwards.

– The planner for the women should be reworked a little bit, so that it is easier to use it. More details later.

– The start page, the overall layout should be revised.

Plugins as always only the most necessary and these should be discussed beforehand, because we usually have access to a standard set with which most things can be done.

But it is important that the site as a whole is implemented accurately and professionally.

In the end, the site must work well on the desktop and on mobile devices, as is usual today.

It should also load quickly, which is why we try to keep the number of plugins low. In the end, the page should pass Google Insights with green.

At the end the page is optimized for easy input (without HTML knowledge).

A few nice (subtle) visual effects to brighten up galleries, graphic links, etc. are of course welcome.

Skills Required (Combine up to 10 skills for best results)

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project

Project Completion deadline

January 5, 2021