Job Detail

Forest Resources Professor

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired
  • // Kingdom

Project detail

What am I looking for?

Professional writers capable of writing large market research reports of 15,000 to 25,000 words for the  and healthcare industry.

Reports will comprise a mix of secondary research and interviews with experts – the interviews are obtained for you.

Topics range from customer engagement to sales to key performance indicators to orphan drugs and more.

A specific format is used to produce the reports and this must be followed.

In addition to having exemplary writing skills, you will need to possess the following:

• Referencing – the work is highly evidence-based and will require the ability to source primary references that are up to date and reliable.

• Research – you will need to dig deep into various topics to determine how to cover new ground in your work. We don’t recycle or reinvent the wheel, but offer our readers something new.

• Detail-oriented – with the ability to adhere to project descriptions and ensure your work is accurate.

• Flexibility – your audience will be different across projects, both in terms of the readership and geography; you will need to be able to adapt to this.

• Originality – all work is passed through a plagiarism checker and any plagiarism will result in immediate dismissal.

What personal skills do I need?

You will be required to work both independently and as part of a team, so will need to possess the following qualities:

• Strong communication and interpersonal skills – you will be working very closely with me and will need to be amenable to constructive critique and amendments to your work.

• Reliability – projects need to be completed on time to ensure we provide a high quality of service to our customers.

• A learning mindset – the desire to learn and grow.

• Creativity – we value thinking outside the box and formulating new ideas.

What is the pay?

Payment starts at $28 per 1000 words, but no less than $518 per project depending on word count. Bonuses are always provided for work that is of a particularly high standard and requires little input from myself; these bonuses can range from $38 to $130, depending on the size of the project. There is also the opportunity to work your way up to higher pay once you have proven yourself.

Skills Required (Combine up to 10 skills for best results)

Languages required


Project Completion deadline

December 28, 2019