Job Detail

Software Engineer, Payment API

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration03 to 06 months
  • Project LevelAdvanced Level
  • // Kingdom

Project detail

As a software engineer on the Payment API team, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the payment services and infrastructure that move money for Square. You will be deeply involved in the technical details of building highly available and reliable services, while also working with product teams to enable Remit-Pay to rapidly build new capabilities for our merchants and buyers all over the world.

You will:

  • Expand and maintain our Payments APIs, used by both external developers and Remit Pay products, a key strategic asset of Remit Pay.
  • Design and implement high-volume, low-latency, distributed transaction processing systems, making thoughtful tradeoffs between consistency and availability when both are not possible
  • Abstract away the legacy APIs of the financial world into consistent, coherent service APIs for Remit Pay and our corridor partners api connections.
  • Build systems that manage customers’ sensitive data and hold Remit-Pay to the highest standards for security and compliance
  • Work cross-functionally with our product, business, and finance teams to develop Remit-Pay global payments strategy
  • See the big picture to design fault tolerant systems so the team can be brave, move fast, and break things, without ever showing a negative impact to customers
  • Support the CTO on adhoc workstreams that may come arise

Skills Required (Combine up to 10 skills for best results)

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project